May 3rd, 2014

It’s been a bit since I’ve made a post, hasn’t it? Life hasn’t been too great to me since my last post, and I’ve been trying to get better. It also doesn’t help that I forgot my password and got sick this weekend. Had to miss one of my good friend’s birthday party. I’ve also recently seriously thought about my body, not in a weird way, but in the way of how I want it to look when I’m older. I exercised two days in a row (which is a record for me btw) and then I caught a cold leaving me with a heachache, sneezing fits, and body ache ^_^ Lovely right? It’s okay though. I wish I had more interesting things to tell you, for whoever is or isn’t reading. I went to Chanute Air Museum on Friday, it was a lot of fun and I touched a plane. I’ve never even been close to a plane until Friday, it was so neat. They were so big and I was kind of confused because some of those planes were used in World War II and how they even managed to make so many astounded me.

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